Tuesday, September 13, 2011

second assignment

Draw a 18x24 still life using pencil, vine charcoal and any other materials from the supply list
Think about composition 

_ how does the viewer's eye move around the picture plane  
_ where does the eye enter and how does it travel around inside the picture plane 

_ what is the negative space doing

Think about how to use your materials to depict different textures and tone

_ shiny versus matte, organic versus man made

_ figure out which accidents are better left and which need to be controlled
_ what is your darkest black, middle gray and lightest white
_ where's the light source coming from

Think about scale

_ how big are the objects in relation to the size of the paper
_ how big are the objects in relation to one another  

_ use scale to create some drama

Think about the meaning of the chosen objects

_ why did you choose these objects
_ do they hold a specific meaning to you
_ does their placement/choice carry some symbolism

Think about what a still life looks like in 2011

_ does it look like it was done in the 1800's, 1900's
_ what does it say about our present day

Look at Caravaggio's still lives, Giorgio Morandi and Jonas Wood

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